Projects and Photos

Thursday, June 6, 2013


So excited for Kiss Looms Newest arrival

Kiss Looms announced on June 5th 2013 the newest arrival of their new addition. The birth of the EFG (extra fine gauge) Looms the Short Fixed 0 Extra Fine Gauge Slim and the Fixed 0 Extra Fine Gauge Slim

Short Fixed 0 Extra Fine Gauge Slim
Even smaller than their Fixed 1 loom. This loom is different than their others looms as it only has pegs, no pins!  Pegs are set at 3/16" from center to center.  This loom gauge matches the gauge of the former DA EFG Sock Loom.
Fixed 0 Extra Fine Gauge Slim
This loom is different than our others looms as it only has pegs, no pins!  Pegs are set at 3/16" from center to center.  This loom gauge matches the gauge of the former DA EFG Sock Loom.
This will be a excellent addition to the Kiss Looms. Fantastic job to Kelly Jones and her Dad Bill what a way to carry on Cliffs legacy of these truly magnificent looms. Cliff knew his choice was the right choice when he asked you and your Dad to take over his business. There would be no need for him to look over your shoulders to make sure the craftsmanship and work would meet his expectations, but when you do feel ( as I often do ) that warm ray of light on your shoulders it will be Cliff looking over with true admiration of your accomplishments with his legacy.




Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to do the Drawstring cast on with a Kiss Loom
Happy Valentines Day to all

I hope this clarifies on how to do the drawstring cast on using a Kiss Loom
This video will take you through the drawstring cast on with a Kiss Loom. The Kiss Looms can be found here, The Kiss Loom is a Adjustable Gauge Loom. So if your looking for a loom that the gauge can be adjusted this is the loom you're looking for. They have a great customer service Department. So for all your Kiss Loom needs visit the site to see what they have to offer you'll be surprised.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Drawstring Cast on with a Kiss Loom

 How to do a Drawstring Cast on with a Kiss Loom

I hope this will help the new owners of a Kiss Loom learn this easy technique, this is just one of the cast on methods that can be used on a Kiss Loom,this cast on can be used for hats,toys and other knitted projects.
Would love to hear if this has helped you with learning this technique.
As soon as my computer is back up and running I plan to post my video on this technique.
So in the meantime 

you can download my document here.

Thanks once again for stopping by at my blog

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kiss Looms Chat Class

If theirs enough interest I would like to offer a Kiss Class Chat on Yahoo Messenger, where there can be audio and video offered, for Kiss loom, knitting basic techniques.

What you will need :
Yahoo Messenger or Skype, a microphone, speakers and web camera. with having these items you will be able to see what I am going to show you, and with you having a web camera I can see if you are doing it right and offer advice as to what you are doing wrong or right for that matter. You don't have to have a web camera but it will make things easier. But you must have a microphone and speakers so I don't have to type. (And we all know how I like to type in CAPS hehehe).
If interested in this please email me  including your Yahoo Messenger user ID so I can add you to my contacts. Do not post this information on this blog email or comment on the blog stating your interested.

Class times will be by appointments. When making an appointment please keep it, as I am volunteering my time. When making an appointment if you can't keep it, email me here (Follow by Email) on this blog, a day in advance. After 2 NO SHOWS you will be banned from further class participation.

I am hoping this will benefit all our new Kiss loom owners and to get them acquainted with their new loom.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Loom knitting Gnome friend

PATTERN INSPIRATION: I made this little loom knitting Gnome friend by looking at a photo of Brenda Myers 2012 ornament swap photo and who has kindly given me permission to use her photo to create a pattern on my Short Kiss Fine Gauge 2 loom bought at

Loom knitting Gnome friend I will be there for you

Welcome to a 2013 new beginning

Well it's 2013 I have been talking for awhile that I needed to create a blog and finally did it with the help of a good friend (Kelly)
As good as I am with a computer you would have thought once Blogs came out I would have been at the top of the list to create one.
So welcome to my little corner of the world in loom knitting.
I mostly use a Kiss loom these days as I like how they are adjustable you can check them out here.